Our Publications

North Bristol Press publishes the following online newspapers in the North Fringe area of Bristol:

As traditional local newspaper publishing sinks into terminal decline, our hyperlocal websites have picked up the baton to bring citizens truly local news, produced by people who live in the communities they are writing about.

City-wide newspaper the Post (formerly the Bristol Evening Post), produced by Northcliffe, has recently axed its Saturday edition and the Bristol Observer (their weekly free paper) rarely has anything of local interest for readers in the North Fringe.

Newspapers like the Post have pretty much given up covering town and parish council meetings but the North Bristol Journal Series realises the importance of the local decision making process and continues to report first-hand from these gatherings.

We are also active in campaigning for greater transparency in local government and have achieved a number of successes in getting local councils to open up their decision-making and reporting procedures.


Over the three month period July to September 2012 our four websites attracted a monthly average of 60,867 pageviews from 20,093 unique visitors (verified by Google Analytics).


Our hyperlocal nature means that we really understand the needs of local businesses that are looking to promote themselves within a tightly defined geographical area. Read more about our advertising capabilities …