Bradley Stoke Journal

Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

The Bradley Stoke Journal was established in February 2008 and is the premier online newspaper in the town of Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire.

A monthly print magazine, delivered FREE to 8,700 homes, was launched in May 2013 and ran for nine years until being discontinued in May 2022.

The title continues in its original online-only format, along with associated social media feeds.

All previous issues of the magazine may be viewed online: Bradley Stoke Journal on

Above: Geographical area of coverage

We cover everything that goes on in Bradley Stoke, including news from Bradley Stoke Town Council, the Willow Brook Centre (our town centre development), local businesses, organisations, schools and charities.

Our What’s On guide keeps you informed of the most important events in and around Bradley Stoke.

The website incorporates over 170 pages of information about the town, including the highly popular Town Guide, a comprehensive guide to services and tradespeople in Bradley Stoke.

The Journal is a campaigning newspaper and we are proud to have been instrumental in persuading the Town Council to operate in a more transparent manner, e.g. by making  comprehensive agenda packs available in advance of meetings, publishing draft minutes of meetings without delay and publishing monthly expenditure accounts.

Our coordination of the Better Broadband for Filton and Bradley Stoke (BB4FABS) campaign, with support from local businesses, helped achieve a top twenty placing for the Almondsbury telephone exchange in BT’s Race to Infinity challenge in 2011.

Find out more about what goes on in Bradley Stoke by visiting our shared albums on Google Photos.

Bradley Stoke Journal on Facebook.